Guy MATHIEU (1960 - 20xx)
- Writes under constraints (Oulipo)
- Films without constraint: artist movies, documentaries, artist's portraits
- Court-Circuits (Short Circuits), 1985
- Schizo-Dico (Schizo Dictionary),1992
- Poèmes exquis (Exquisite Poems), 2012
- Adoption d’un père (Adoption of a Father), 2001
- Gonds (Hinges), 2003
- Rosalie, 2004
- Comment je suis rentré(e) au château (How I got in the Castle), 2005
- Nissan, un juif palestinien (Nissan, Palestinian Jew), 2006
- Footages, 2009
- , 2010
- Pourquoi toi Parce que c'était moi (Why You - Because it was I), 2019
- Le grand démallage (The Great Unpacking), 2021
- Entretenir notre bateau pour traverser cet océan (Taking Good Care of our Boat to cross the Ocean), 2023
- Venegrazia, 2023